Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hello to all you bloggers out there!

I am currently sitting my warm and sunny kitchen so excited to be writing my first post! I have been reading all about your amazing eats for the last couple of months and I have decided that its time I try my hand at food blogging. But first, a little about me!

I am Canadian girl, born and raised. I absolutely love the changing seasons we have here from the gorgeous snowy ( and cold! ) winters to the crisp fall weather and mild springs and summers! I have been living in the same town my entire life and could not imagine being anywhere else although I love travelling and exploring that huge world out there.

And of course, the food! what kind of food blogger would I be if I didn't talk about my love for food right?? Well, I have always loved to eat and have always eaten pretty healthily thanks to my mom who had me eating tons of fruits and vegetables and drinking water since I can even remember. Since then, I have developed a passion for not just eating but cooking and baking it too. Like a lot of you, I could (and literally do!) spend hours surfing the net for new recipes, reading blogs, trying out recipes in the kitchen and watching the food network.

I guess overall, I just love life and seeing the surprises that each day brings. I love waking up to bright sunny mornings, going on long walks with my puppy ( who is actually 5 but will always be my baby! I'm such a mother ) and just living each day to the fullest and happiest even if that just means sitting on the porch reading, going on a hike, or watching a movie.

I hope that through this blog, I'll be able to join this amazing and supportive community of foodies and get to know you all instead of just creeping your blogs everyday!

I'll be back to post my eats for the day later tonight! Thanks for reading!